Picture This! Newsletter January 2018
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Thursday, January 04, 2018
By Sharyn Peavey Photography
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January 2018

Telling stories. It’s how we share with each other what is important, what matters. Thank you for sharing some of the most beautiful moments of your lives and helping to illustrate your stories through the lens of my camera. Welcome to PICTURE THIS!, a monthly newsletter bringing you some of my ideas, announcements, and inspirations. Wishing you the happiest of New Years!


          Scroll down for this issue:

  •          1.  A Look Back at 2017
  •          2.  Sure Shot Tips!
  •          3.  Announcements
  •          4.  Framing the View

1. A Look Back at 2017 

Thinking about new places to bring your family? Want to explore another site for family photo sessions? 2017 brought me to some new locations in Maine and Massachusetts that I want to share with you! Starting with literally my backyard...


- My Neighbor's Fields, Pownal

There are many beautiful, well-kept fields used for haying surrounding my home. I have permission to photograph on them and have taken advantage this year with my mini-sessions and full sessions. These fields are beautiful all year round. Images featured here are from the fall.


- Merrill Farmhouse, Gray

I have longed for years to photograph rolling hills ending in a Maine sunset.  I found this at Merrill Farmhouse last Fall with Lauren and Travis’s wedding through Black Tie Catering through Pineland Farms.


-Willard Beach, South Portland

A small beach that I have been to but had forgotten that it is a hidden, non-popular beach to photograph. Exploring with Dan and Emily’s children led us to some beautiful spots for images.


- DeCordova Museum

It has also been a longtime intention to visit the DeCordova Sculpture Museum. This year, I finally went there to photograph Kristin and her boys. This too is a place that, on a weekday afternoon, we don’t have to worry about lots of people.



- Wellesley College

 I photograph a few families regularly in Wellesley and I spent a rainy misty day exploring the campus and found several spots perfect for photos. Some are popular and some are very much off the beaten path. I look forward to photographing there next year with Anne and Mark’s children.


There are even more pictures in our post: Top Five Locations I Photographed in 2017!

2. Sure Shot Tips




You’re outside in a winter wonderland on sleds or skis and want to remember the bright, sunny, snowy vista of the day. [ CLICK] Now you have a lovely silhouette of your family, but their faces are in shadows. Silhouettes can be quite artful, especially from a mountain top. But if you want the smiles to show here is what you do.


One way to avoid making blobs of your family’s faces is to turn on the FLASH right in the middle of the day out there in the bright sunlight. Yes you can hit the select face on your iphone, and that helps, but it fails to really get a good shot because like a DSLR it will meter for 18% gray. Sometimes we need more than 18% gray as a solution, sometimes we simply need more light.


Whether you’re shooting with your new iPhone or a DSLR (digital single lens reflex), force the flash in daylight, pop up the pop up flash and watch the details in your shadow areas come alive!




December was a very busy month for business and family. I spent long days editing and turning out prints for holiday orders. Lucia and her lit-up saxophone performed with her middle school band in Freeport’s Sparkle parade. I received a power shovel as a gift, but haven’t quite figured out if having an electric shovel actually makes sense.

My nephews are elbow deep in wrestling season again, so my sister is back to spending every Saturday in a slightly smelly high school gym somewhere in the state. She loves it, though! For more pictures of wrestling, check out my album on Facebook!


CALLING ALL SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS AND ENTREPRENEURS! Having beautiful and professional images of your business, your team, and your products or services can boost revenue. This is a great time of year to book photo sessions for your company.  Take a moment and check out our packages for small businesses and make your marketing shine!


SPOTLIGHT ON ALBUMS...Albums are the feature product this month as I will be busy producing 2017 wedding and portrait albums starting in January! Check out some of the beautiful album options that can put your family history right at your fingertips! Please contact Sharyn if you're interested in more information about albums.



Love between two people is what inspires me to photograph people at weddings or on family shoots. - Sharyn

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