Lorna's 1 Year Shoot in Bow NH
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Wednesday, June 16, 2021
By Sharyn
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Lorna's 1 Year Shoot in Bow New Hampshire

Lorna named after one of her mom's favorite romance movies, Lorna Doone, turned 1 year old this year. (the day before my daughter's 15th birthday!) Lorna’s newborn shoot was one of my first shoots during the pandemic and has she grown! Her mom had an assortment of outfits, some being her own toddler outfits from the 80’s. We both loved them all so we switched her up every 10 minutes or so. Lorna with no nap was moving like a champ until at the end she hit a wall. Perfect timing babe!

Lorna Doone aside from being a great cookie is a great movie. Kristin saved my early pandemic days by sharing her favorite romance movies which I watched night after night at my kitchen table in a daze. They were my Calgon of 2020. 


Check out the cuteness of 1-Year-old Lorna! Her photos will never get old.❤️

Outfits one, two and three!

Outfit change #4. Still hanging in there with no nap, like a champ! A few snacks to keep her going.

Keeping it moving. No slowing down yet.

Lorna LOVES balls.

Starting to get a little hot, but still going strong. Big sis and big brother joined in.

One photo with mom is a must, even if mom didn't want many pictures.

Here's where Kristin finally got to look at her 5-year family album. Big brother Nolan wanted me to look at his Pokeman book instead. And Lorna had lunch and started to fade. 

And that's a wrap for Lorna's 1 Year shoot! I left Miss tired and grumps to get her nap. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think. :) 

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1 Comment
Sheryl - I love this! Lorna really has a strong sense of self that totally comes through in these pictures!