Shaina's Strings Winter Solstice Recital
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Wednesday, January 09, 2019
By Sharyn Peavey Photography
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Shaina's Strings Winter Solstice Recital

To make a mistake is insignificant.

To play without passion is inexcusable.

Shaina's Strings is one of Freeport's unique treasures.  Shaina offers her invaluable musical training and her heart to over 37 full-time violin students. This past December I photographed her annual Winter Solstice Recital. We began with portraits before the show finishing up with time to spare as the children gathered in the back of FPAC awaiting everyone to be ready from last minute bathroom breaks. There were several full ensemble pieces and every student had a solo beginning with announcing their name and the name of the piece they were about to play. I adored the little ones not much bigger then their own beginner violins placed centerstage. I too wanted to play the violin when I was that age but there was no such Shaina around in my town when I was 5! I spoke with Shaina a few days after the recital. I praised her work. Shaina shared with me her motto as a teacher which I adore. "To make a mistake is insignificant. To play without passion is inexcusable."

*Gallery is password protected. Please contact Shaina for the password.

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