This is Brielle. She has quite the story for her first years here. She loved the lights behind her at Quincy market. I captured this shot in the middle of our third shoot together. I am touched every time I see her. I like going into her world, she sees and experiences life differently than many children her age. Brielle is a child with TEF/EA, (she was born with two primary medical conditions affecting her esophagus and trachea, known as Tracheoesophageal Fistula (TEF) with Esophageal Atresia (EA). It was actually not difficult to photograph Brielle in the busy place of Quincy market and I can't say that would be the case for all children! We chose Quincy Market because we needed an indoor space that said Boston. Her window of available time for a shoot was during a cold rain. And as Trish said, Boston 40 degrees is colder than in Pennsylvania. I agree!
Coming to Boston means surgery for Brielle, visits with fabulous medical providers, quality care, hope, and a long drive but a worthwhile drive for her family. I am not sure exactly who at Boston's Children's Hospital gave Brielle's Mom, Trisha, my name back in 2019, but it is a custom now that I am used to, photographing them when they have their trip to Boston. As I am writing this blog post, Brielle is undergoing surgery to expand her airways and remove scar tissue from previous surgeries. Her parents are hopeful they will be able to take her home (to the hotel) tonight, no longer in fear that she will have difficulty breathing. I can imagine the relief.