Fresh Fall Freeport Fashions
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Monday, September 10, 2018
By Sharyn
Meet Blake. I have been photographing Blake since she was a baby. You may recognize her face from my website. Last September I learned in the kids' talent portion of their family shoot, that Blake wants to be a model. She shared facts about Naomi Campbell and had clearly done her research. I thought it would be a good opportunity to cultivate her modeling skills by using her in Freeport Outlets' clothing and share what the latest fall fashions found in Freeport are! Here is Blake in her first modeling gig. Check out what is FRESH in Freeport this Fall!
Clothing courtesy of Blake's mom. :)
Fresh Fall Freeport Fashions
Coming soon will be Blake's Family Shoot, Cake by The Ocean, featuring Blake's Birthday cake made by her older sister Zoe! :)
* Note: there is currently not a Nordstroms in Freeport, only in South Portland.