Spring Blossom Portrait Shoot
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Thursday, May 04, 2017
By Sharyn Peavey
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What can a few minutes in an Apple Orchard, a baby and a mom produce? Beautiful pictures!

Springtime is like a growing baby, it is beautiful, precious and fleeting. I love to schedule shoots with little ones around the blossoms and new flowers because they go together. Here is a little segment with some of my favorites from a longer family shoot. These shots were taken at the start of a full session family shoot, we had sent Dad back to the car to get some stuff, of course, Love Dads! The blossoms were so pretty and so was Vanessa and Eva that I just had to get started! It took Eva about 5 minutes to realize, oh wait, I am the center of attention .... ! And then she worked it, she had all eyes on her. She did what normal 9 month olds want to do which is check everything out, try and eat grass, be coy & flirty, make loud noises, sputtering of the lips ...

...we had full on lip smacking conversation Eva and I!

If you are interested in spending some time with me and getting amazing pictures, let me know! I would love to hear from you!

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